
Ergonomic Office Chairs – Choose Wisely

Ergonomic office chairs have become much more common over the past few years, and many of them are quite good at fitting a variety of people’s needs. But not all ergonomic chairs are created equal. Choosing the right chair is essential to your comfort and productivity.
If the chair in your office is not comfortable, you will find that you are not as productive as you should be.
There are many things you need to consider, including the quality of the chair, the size, and the overall ergonomics of it. The following tips will help you choose the right chair for your office space.

Adjustment Options

An ergonomic chair should have appropriate options to allow you to adjust it. If you find that you are unable to adjust the height of your chair, you will begin to have problems as you may need to strain to look at your computer screen or you may need to bend in awkward positions to write on your desk.
Your chair’s height should fit your height and you should never pick a chair that cannot support your weight.

Seat of the Chair

The seat of your chair should not wear down quickly. To test this, sit in your chair for 60 to 90 minutes and then stand up. Does the seat deflate or cause your bottom to hurt? If so, you need a new chair. An ergonomic chair seat will not begin to wear and deflate after using it. When a seat pan does begin to wear down this quickly, you cause additional pressure on your spine, which results in pain and inflammation.

Lower Back Rest

All ergonomic chairs should have a lower back rest to help support your spine. If the chair does not have a lumbar rest, you should have it replaced. The rest is in place to relieve the additional pressure on your spine.
In addition to having a back rest, the rest should be adjustable to fit your body size. If you cannot move the rest, what is the point in having it there?

Easy Swivel and Movement

The chair you choose should have a five pedestal base. If it does not, you are causing your spine to take on an awkward shape. The five pedestal base helps you move around the room and distributes your weight evenly. If the wheels on the base are not functioning properly, it is time to get a new chair. You should never have to struggle to move.
In addition to easy to move wheels, your chair should swivel without a struggle. If you feel you need to use too much pressure to turn your chair, you are hurting your spine in the process.


If your chair does not have armrests, consider picking a chair that does. Armrests helps you relax and provide you with additional support when you need to lean back. The armrests on your chair should be adjustable as well. If they are not, there is no reason to have them. Armrests that are too low will cause your body to strain and armrests that are too high will wear your arms down and create unnecessary pressure on the spine.
Ergonomic chairs help relieve pressure on your spine and allow you to sit in a comfortable position that does not create unneeded stress on your back. Always make sure the chair you choose is comfortable and equipped to handle your height and weight.

