
What to Look for in the Best Office Chair Under $200

Adjustable Features: Everyone’s body type is a little different, so no one chair is going to work for everyone. While the best inexpensive office chairs typically don’t offer a host of adjustable features, even having the ability to make a few minor adjustments can be beneficial to your comfort level.
Good Base: While most people will focus on the portion of the chair in which they’ll be sitting, you don’t want to ignore the the base. Ideally you’ll want a base with casters (wheels) allowing you to roll freely and give you the ability to reach all areas of your desk. For the same reason, the base should allow you to swivel easily.
Arm Support: One area where lower priced office chairs tend to struggle is in the arm rests. Some chairs have no arm rests, while others have arm rests with no padding. Good arm rests can help prevent fatigue in wrists and fingers from a day of typing, so if you experience problems with fatigue, look carefully for the best sub-$200 office chair with good arm rests.

Mistakes to Avoid

Purchasing a Chair With Cheap Materials: Make sure the seat cushion is made of sturdy materials to prevent the seat from wearing down and flattening within a few months. Look for metal in the chair, especially in the base, rather than a chair with a lot of plastic materials.
Skimping on Back Support: For most people, the most disappointing aspect of office chairs in this price range is the lack of back support. If the chair cannot support your lower and upper back, you’re sure to end up with aches and pains before your workday is finished. Be wary of chairs that have small back rests, leaving the lower back open, rather than supported.

Which Best Office Chair Under $200 Is Right For You?

Think of investing in a great 2016 office chair like investing in a bed. You spend eight hours a night in your bed, so you need to invest in a comfortable unit to ensure you wake up refreshed, minus the aches and pains. And you also may spend eight hours or more in an office chair, so there’s no good reason to skimp on this important piece of furniture.
Now that doesn’t mean you can’t find a really good office chair in a low price point such as around $200. The key to finding a great inexpensive office chair that’s also a piece of cool furniture is to make sure it can be adjusted to fit your body well. After all, you won’t have access to the best materials or the most ergonomic designs in an office chair in this price point, as you might with a larger budget. So make sure the chair will meet your needs, whether you need strong lower back support, the cooling ability of mesh fabric, or plenty of good arm support.

