
How to Choose the Best Office Chair Cushion With Back Support

Good posture in the office is important. After all, you’re potentially sitting at a desk for several hours a day, and you don’t want to end up with a sore back from work that prevents you from enjoying your weekend. But figuring out how to choose the best office chair cushion with back support can be challenging, because there are so many choices out there. Still, if your current office chair isn’t giving you the level of comfort you need, these detachable cushions may be just the answer to alleviate those aches and pains.
3 Reasons You Need Good Back Support
Adding an extra cushion to an office chair is going to provide comfort for your back. But you’re also going to want to ensure that you find a unit with good back support — even if you already use the best office chair — for the following reasons.
Good Posture: A supportive seat cushion on a chair is going to help you maintain good posture while sitting at your desk, because you won’t be slouching as much. An add-on back cushion also may match the curved contour of your spine, forcing you to sit with good posture.
Proper Viewing Angle: If you’re looking at a computer monitor while sitting in your chair at the office, the proper support from the chair will allow your eyes to be at the desired horizontal level, which is the top edge of the screen. If the built-in seat cushion on your chair is too soft, you’ll sink slowly during the day, leaving your eyes on the wrong horizontal plane, possibly leading to neck strain. Adding a firm seat cushion can keep your eyes at the desired level.
Comfort: You’ll have a better chance of maintaining proper back support if your seat cushions are comfortable, because you won’t be trying to adjust your position constantly, potentially slouching because you’re uncomfortable. Sometimes, the extra cushion you add to your chair will be more comfortable than the cushions built into the chair.

