
star hotel interior design

With around 20 yearsdevelopmentthe hotel design in China has become
mature and rationalizedAs for hotel planning, the hotel functionscultures
architectural environment and the operational objects have been integrated perfectly
as a whole to form a sustainable development strategy with unique features and
competitive advantagesA trend of globalization is to share both materials and
culturesthereforewe oughttake great efforts to protect the heritage of human
culture and traditional flavor of inhabitation environmenttreat foreign cultures and
arts properly and calve out a new way of modern hotel interior design with OUr own
national and regional cultures featuring our vigor, originality and prospectsAt present,
with the rapid development of design concepts, there still exist some problems that are
worthy of our attention in the design of star-ranked hotels in China
1Repetitive design with neither features nor originalityA lot of star-ranked hotels
in many cities in China ate surprisingly similar from their hotel designs
construction designsand functional layouts to the interior stylesmethods applied
materials and even the modes of the guest roomsSuch a tedious design induces
slump operation and lacks in competitive capacity and thus causes considerable
loss for the country and investorsAs for the reasons, in some cases it is due to the
fact that the construction and design companies are lack of experiencesuch as
unreasonable organization of streamline transportation and the imbalance between
the front stage and the backstagewhereas in other cases it is due to the
irresponsibleborrowismof interior designers
2It is common in many domestic hotel designs that in the process of hotel interior
designemphasis is given to fitment rather than decorationwhich results in too
muchhard’’fitment, makingsoftdecoration like lampsfurnitureartistic
display andSO on appear to be too pale and weak
3The attention paid to guest room design is still inadequateIn factguests spend
most of their time in the roomhoweverfor the guests with improving living
standard and tastemost of domestic hotels are short of their individuality from the
functionsareasroom types to the furniture modescloth skill decorationsthe
carpet colors even to the wardrobes and the cocktail cabinets
4The domestic hotel designers still need more time to developForeign famous
design companies have monopolized the design for the largest and the top hotels
in ChinaThese worldknown masters and many designers returned overseas have
advanced design conceptsmethods and technologiesbut they have a poor
understanding of Chinese national cultureThereforethe rapidly growing hotel
designers at home are the mainstream of designers
Based on the above analysis for various problems existed in domestic hotel interior
designunder new conditionswe shall carry out a detailed research and analysis
towards the interior design of hotelsespecially star-ranked hotels in order to pave the
way for further design innovationFrom the aspect of the 8 principles of systematic
designnamely being integratedbeing openself-organizationbeing dynamic
stratification, with purposedisassembly coordination and similarity, the paper makes
a summary and analysis for the interior design system of star-ranked hotels and thus
to get the corresponding design methodology so as to guide the design and planning
of star-ranked hotelsThe paper offers a complete illustration from the four aspects of
systematic design principles for star-ranked hotelshotel public space systematic
design, star-ranked hotel guest loom and suite systematic design and star-ranked hotel
special systematic designwith the hope that the theoretical discussion for star-ranked
hotel design presented here could be somewhat helpful for the practice of star-ranked
hotel design
Key WordsSystem Design, 
Star Hotel Innovation Design Function, Hotel Furniture

